Building Resilience w/ Wafaa Arbash

Building Resilience w/ Wafaa Arbash

Today’s guest is Wafaa Arbash, the founder & CEO of WorkAround — a company helping refugees and displaced populations find sustainable income through data labeling for machine learning algorithms.

However, Wafaa’s story goes much deeper than her role as a founder and CEO — she also is a great example of the power of resilience. She originally came to the United States from Syria in 2013, with a plan to stay 8 weeks. However, shortly after arrival, a crisis emerged in her home country which made it clear to her and her family that she would be much safer staying in the U.S. a little longer. 

The crisis in Syria continues and her original 8 week visit has turned into 7 years, where she’s now leveraging her talents to help displaced people that are still being affected by the unrest in her home country.

Wafaa says that one of the keys to her success was: “You need to be proactive. You need to build a toolbox for yourself that allows you to be resilient”

You can follow the podcast and host Chuck Swoboda on Twitter for further exploration and discussion on innovation.

The episode is also available wherever else you listen to podcasts. Enjoy!

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